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Spring turkey hunting can be a hit-or-miss proposition. The jubilant Merriam's gobbler chortled in response each time the gentle purr in the distance carried on the faint mountain breeze. The attentive bird was all ears as he strutted in a clearing near a stand of sinewy Ponderosa pines, carefully keeping a...
Spring turkey hunting in Texas is not an easy pursuit. That's especially true if you define quick success as the prime indicator of a good hunt. I’ve had the distinct pleasure of chasing after a variety of turkey subspecies in Texas and New Mexico, and the toughest aspect of hunting any...
WHEELER COUNTY, Texas -- It was April Fools' Day. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (No, literally ... we were hunting spring turkeys in the extreme northern portion of Texas right around the season opener). The warbling gobbles seemed to resonate from every nook and cranny of the dim...
Turkey hunting in Texas is exceptional. We’ve got the largest population of the Rio Grande subspecies in America -- roughly 500,000 birds when nesting habitat and production are dubbed good -- and these critters are right at home in every place from Panhandle shelter belts and Rolling Plains breaks to...
The pleasant smell of wildflowers lingered in a muggy Bee County breeze. So too did the pleasant echo of turkey talk not long after daybreak in this South Texas turkey hunting hot spot. The pair of gobblers had given away their position with a raucous retort only minutes earlier and slowly...
The slow morning turned to afternoon as I flipped a dark spinner bait into the shimmering distance on Lake Meredith in the Texas Panhandle. Like so many previous retrieves from the bank, I brought my lure back without even a nibble from a hungry largemouth or smallmouth bass and stepped...
Spring means turkey hunting season in Texas. It's also synonymous with prime time for trout fishing along the coast. South Texas remains the top location, far and away, to find the biggest whitetail bucks in the state. That’s true, regardless if you’re hunting under a high fence, low fence or even...
There are no outdoor pursuits that compare with spring turkey hunting in Texas. It's due in large part to the nature of the game you’re pursuing and the often quirky behavior known firsthand by veteran hunters. The spring Rio Grande turkey framework in “northern” counties runs from March 29 to May...
I remember where I was when I heard the mind-boggling news: after a searing September day in Comanche County, one of those that makes you wonder how much hotter it can actually get, I found myself among a group of happy dove hunters shooting the breeze as the sun...
  It’s a safe assumption the majority of Texans are fully aware of the regulations associated with dove hunting, but there remain common violations that game wardens continue to see each September. Most of them are easily avoidable, and in all reality, these issues rest at the heart of conservation: It’s...