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Texas hunters and anglers make a pilgrimage this time of year to their local sporting goods stores, hoping to beat the rush before September dove hunts and picking up plenty of gear along the way. And as always, Texas habitat conservation organizations greatly thank you and urge you to again...
  It’s a safe assumption the majority of Texans are fully aware of the regulations associated with dove hunting, but there remain common violations that game wardens continue to see each September. Most of them are easily avoidable, and in all reality, these issues rest at the heart of conservation: It’s...
Dove hunting in Texas is inexpensive, accessible and inclusive of every species of hunter in the Lone Star State. It's a pastime that caters to anyone and everyone willing to brave a steamy September afternoon, all the way from the Red River to the Rio Grande. And, thanks to another liberal season...
There are no outdoor pursuits that compare with spring turkey hunting in Texas. It's due in large part to the nature of the game you’re pursuing and the often quirky behavior known firsthand by veteran hunters. The spring Rio Grande turkey framework in “northern” counties runs from March 29 to May...
  If there’s one thing hunters in the Lone Star State can count on, it’s that fall hunting seasons are almost here. And once again, the dove hunting forecast is looking good. Texas boasts fall dove populations in excess of tens of millions of birds and its roughly 300,000 dove hunters harvest...
Caesar Kleberg knew a thing or two about capitalizing on an opportunity. One of the truly great conservationists of the past century – and not just in Texas – Kleberg’s legacy included leaving the King Ranch better than he found it and helping to promote sustainable land use that would...
The pleasant smell of wildflowers lingered in a muggy Bee County breeze. So too did the pleasant echo of turkey talk not long after daybreak in this South Texas turkey hunting hot spot. The pair of gobblers had given away their position with a raucous retort only minutes earlier and slowly...
Now that more fall hunting seasons are rapidly approaching, it's time to ante up for another 12 month of hunting opportunities across the Lone Star State. And as always, Texas habitat conservation organizations greatly thank you and urge you to again remember that 100% of revenue from license sales goes...
The dusty breeze tickled the tops of spindly mesquites and thick bunch grass as I descended the steps of the tower stand. At the bottom, the icy chill of the late November morning hit me square in the face as binoculars were raised for what seemed like the 100th time. The...
I remember where I was when I heard the mind-boggling news: after a searing September day in Comanche County, one of those that makes you wonder how much hotter it can actually get, I found myself among a group of happy dove hunters shooting the breeze as the sun...