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There’s no place like deer camp. It’s hallowed ground, whether the accommodations include meager trappings and tent stakes or a full-service kitchen and prime cuts of steak. I’ve been in my share of them, each holding a sentimental quality for a variety of reasons, and not simply because of the proximity...
Deer hunting in Texas is more than just a barrage of camouflage. For many folks -- hundreds of thousands of us here in the Lone Star State alone -- deer hunting is life, and from Amarillo to Brownsville north to south and Texarkana to El Paso east to west, it’s...
The iron sights glow faintly on a frosty afternoon sit. Rays from the setting run dance along the barrel as the old whitetail doe feeds closer. The shot lines up perfectly. The West Texas breeze rises slightly as the deer steps broadside at 60 yards. An instant later the trigger eases the...
  The misidentification occurred years ago by a teenage deer hunter, but the mistake still rings true many more seasons well into adulthood. Every time I think about the scenario I still get a sinking feeling, and while I broke no law and did nothing illegal, I perpetrated a cardinal sin...
Texas archery deer season officially kicks off Sept. 30, 2023, and the whitetail outlook is about as good as it's ever been, especially in hunting hot beds including the Hill Country and South Texas. Bowhunting has never been more popular, with the pursuit taking the mainstream outdoors world by storm...
The ornately cloaked rooster pheasant’s shimmering tones vanished among the drab shades of snaking growth that draped what once was a bustling feedlot. The downed bird’s iridescent purple and orange hues topped with distinctive insignia of vivid red and green screamed at the group stumbling from clump to clump where...
  White-winged dove hunting was a “Valley thing.” Years ago, it was a specialized pursuit that had Texans in metro areas driving 300 or 400 miles one-way to make it down to prized whitewing havens not far from the Mexican border in the Rio Grande Valley to blast at the high-flying...
I remember where I was when I heard the mind-boggling news: after a searing September day in Comanche County, one of those that makes you wonder how much hotter it can actually get, I found myself among a group of happy dove hunters shooting the breeze as the sun...
Texas hunters and anglers make a pilgrimage this time of year to their local sporting goods stores, hoping to beat the rush before September dove hunts and picking up plenty of gear along the way. And as always, Texas habitat conservation organizations greatly thank you and urge you to again...
  It’s a safe assumption the majority of Texans are fully aware of the regulations associated with dove hunting, but there remain common violations that game wardens continue to see each September. Most of them are easily avoidable, and in all reality, these issues rest at the heart of conservation: It’s...