Texas waterfowl hunters -- and by and large most duck, goose and sandhill crane hunters -- are birds of a different feather.
Rising long before the sun hints at making a rosy appearance to typically slog around in muck fit for a water buffalo while hauling around a gaggle of...
Texas hunting seasons again are almost here, and with a little help from Mother Nature things are looking up for doves, deer, ducks and a host of other wildlife.
With that in mind, here is a preview for fall hunting seasons, including the best areas of the state for a variety of...
On the final day of duck season, Baffin Bay hunting is measured in hours and minutes.
And the clock is ticking.
A looming full moon peeking ominously through faint bands of wispy clouds greets the pair of droning bay boats flanked by the unmistakable mist of salty spray that always hovers...
The pair of nosy, lean pointers had worked together much of the morning, scouring varying mazes of underbrush and shinery in search of crafty ringnecks.
The pheasants had cooperated more times than not on the frigid Panhandle morning, often holding tight rather than scurrying out of range and breaking cover...
The waterfowl hunting outlook in Texas typically rests mostly on water, but even with lingering drought across some of the best duck and goose territory in the country, we still should have a good fall and winter.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service conducted their annual...
Texas waterfowl hunting is much like deer hunting in the Lone Star State: Even in what biologists and land managers term “down” seasons, we’ve still got what the average hunter would deem “good” opportunities.
That being said, the current duck hunting outlook certainly has shaped up to be mostly murky...
Fatal hunting-related accidents in Texas remained at an all-time low in 2020, but the common theme in almost every accident, including non-fatal incidents, remains the improper handling of firearms.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department keeps detailed reports of all hunting-related fatal and non-fatal incidents dating back to 1966, providing...
It has been at least nine months since most hunters could head out to their favorite spot, but now that Texas hunting seasons again have commenced, it’s time to look at what to expect when it comes to doves, deer, ducks and geese.
Here’s a hunting season preview, focusing on...
I was the same age as the youngster when I first heard the chilling tale.
In fact, I was in the same area of Brown County, hunting the same game bird that nearly cut his life short in the time it takes for a covey to get out of sight.
If you haven’t already had an opportunity to spend a chilly morning in search of waterfowl, there’s still time, but you must act quickly during this Texas hunting season.
By now ducks and geese have migrated in and out of various areas, encountering a variety of decoy setups and hearing...