The ornately cloaked rooster pheasant’s shimmering tones vanished among the drab shades of snaking growth that draped what once was a bustling feedlot.
The downed bird’s iridescent purple and orange hues topped with distinctive insignia of vivid red and green screamed at the group stumbling from clump to clump where...
Texas dove hunters will receive an additional 20 days this fall if proposed changes to the 2016-17 Statewide Hunting Proclamation for Migratory Game Birds are approved.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has approved a 90-day Texas dove season, the longest in 80 years, according to state officials.
In addition, the Texas Parks & Wildlife...
The most dangerous game in Texas doesn’t have menacing claws, sweeping tusks or broad headgear.
It isn’t a predator, it isn’t a carnivore, and in fact, it doesn’t even have teeth.
It’s a 5-ounce bird (give or take, based on what species you're hunting -- mourning doves, whitewings or Eurasian collared...
Dove hunting is a grand pursuit in Texas for plenty of notable reasons. It kicks off the opening of fall hunting seasons across the state, it’s relatively inexpensive to bag a limit and it’s accommodating to hunters of all shapes, sizes, skillsets and ages.
Dove hunting also is big business...
State fish and wildlife agencies, all four flyway councils and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will ask dove hunting enthusiasts across the country to share their experiences and opinions about dove hunting in an upcoming coordinated efforts.
The National Dove Hunter Survey is scheduled to begin this month, and...
I remember where I was when I heard the mind-boggling news: after a searing September day in Comanche County, one of those that makes you wonder how much hotter it can actually get, I found myself among a group of happy dove hunters shooting the breeze as the sun...
Texas dove hunting remains the most fulfilling outdoor experience we have in the Lone Star State, and the time spent enjoying the sights and sounds of a September afternoon and evening are among those you can’t assign a true value. And while there is no shortage of “being there”...
Texas dove hunting is a $300 million industry, but that figure is set to rise substantially this fall with the recent adoption of a 90-day dove season, the longest in eight decades.
Here are dove hunting seasons from Texas Parks & Wildlife, with a breakdown on season dates and limits:
North Zone
Dove hunting in Texas is inexpensive, accessible and inclusive of every species of hunter in the Lone Star State.
It's a pastime that caters to anyone and everyone willing to brave a steamy September afternoon, all the way from the Red River to the Rio Grande.
And, thanks to another liberal season...
It’s a safe assumption that the majority of hunters are fully aware of the regulations associated with this September staple, but there remain common violations that game wardens continue to see each dove hunting season, which often can be easily avoided.
Citation figures compiled by the Texas Parks and Wildlife...