
Featured articles, content and commentary about deer hunting in Texas

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is taking public comment on reauthorizing the practice of using tracking dogs to trail wounded deer, which has been prohibited in a dozen eastern counties for more than 20 years. A series of public meetings is slated to provide details of the proposal and...
Now that more fall hunting seasons are rapidly approaching, it's time to ante up for another 12 month of hunting opportunities across the Lone Star State. And as always, Texas habitat conservation organizations greatly thank you and urge you to again remember that 100% of revenue from license sales goes...
Texas deer hunting is known across the country for both quantity and quality. And while many folks typically associate the Lone Star State as being a land primarily under high fence, there are huge bucks taken each year on low-fence lands. Many of those bucks are taken on smaller tracts...
Much to the chagrin of wildlife enforcement officers, there is a strong criminal element that continues to do things that boggle the mind. Whether they do it out of spite or because they don’t know better, those who brazenly break wildlife laws continue to soil the reputation of the...
It was a good year in 2013 for those of us who took part in all the hunting and fishing pursuits that Texas has to offer. And not simply because Dick Cheney didn’t shoot anybody — that we know of. With that in mind, here are 10 things hunting and...
The Texas deer hunting forecast is always "good," though that statement comes with a caveat. In terms of quality and quantity, there's no place like the Lone Star State for deer hunters. We’ve still got the largest population estimate in the country and there is no shortage of big bucks...
The iron sights glow faintly on a frosty afternoon sit. Rays from the setting run dance along the barrel as the old whitetail doe feeds closer. The shot lines up perfectly. The West Texas breeze rises slightly as the deer steps broadside at 60 yards. An instant later the trigger eases the...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department hasn't found new positive evidence of chronic wasting disease in far West Texas, the agency has reported. Nearly 300 tissue samples were collected from hunter harvested deer and elk from the Trans-Pecos region during the 2013-14 season to test for CWD, and during the...
  The misidentification occurred years ago by a teenage deer hunter, but the mistake still rings true many more seasons well into adulthood. Every time I think about the scenario I still get a sinking feeling, and while I broke no law and did nothing illegal, I perpetrated a cardinal sin...
Fall is finally here, bringing with it the anticipation of partaking in outdoor opportunities this month and into a new year, and things are looking up after recent rains in much of the state. Archery deer season began last weekend, with numerous hunters already tagging the biggest buck they’ll see...