
Featured articles, content and commentary about deer hunting in Texas

Hunting licenses are valid from date of purchase until August 31 unless otherwise noted. In addition to a hunting license, additional endorsements may be required. For specific information on Lifetime, Disabled Veteran, Texas resident active duty military, and Combination licenses, view combination hunting and fishing licenses packages. Exceptions A hunting license is...
For Stratford and Gruver, it’s pheasants. Around Kerrville and Llano, white-tailed deer. And down in Rockport, redfish and waterfowl. The economic impact that wildlife has on the state of Texas is massive and far-reaching, and the most recent survey from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows just how much critters mean...
In less than a week, the Texas white-tailed deer season will be upon us. Archery hunters and those armed with Managed Lands Deer Permits have been able to hunt all month, but for hundreds of thousands of folks from the top of Texas to the bottom, the first Saturday sunrise...
Deer hunting and hunting in general are big business in Texas, but landowners are reminded that to lease out their tracts for those purposes they must have a hunting lease license, which must be renewed yearly. The owner of a hunting lease or the landowner’s agent may not receive pay...
Texas deer hunting is known across the country for both quantity and quality. And while many folks typically associate the Lone Star State as being a land primarily under high fence, there are huge bucks taken each year on low-fence lands. Many of those bucks are taken on smaller tracts...
Exotics have been a staple on the Texas landscape for roughly a century, with game ranches stocking hundreds of thousands of antelope, deer and other horned critters of all shapes and sizes. In most cases, the exotics are welcome for the thousands of dollars per head they can bring via...
Texas hunting seasons again are almost here, and with a little help from Mother Nature things are looking up for doves, deer, ducks and a host of other wildlife. With that in mind, here is a preview for fall hunting seasons, including the best areas of the state for a variety of...
The Texas deer hunting forecast is always exceptional, even in years such as this when dry, hot conditions take over in the late spring and through the summer, leading to concerns about how the season will shape up as range conditions seemingly deteriorate by the day, if not the...
The Texas deer hunting forecast typically involves little in the way of new developments, but in a state with the largest whitetail population in the country, that’s nothing to fret about. However, the 2016-17 hunting frameworks will feature a number of big changes all aimed at improving access and opportunity,...
Without a doubt, Texas is blessed with the best hunting opportunities in the country. We’ve got the largest white-tailed deer herd in the nation – numbering roughly 4 million in moisture-rich years – and our bird hunting ranging from ducks, geese and doves to pheasants, sandhill cranes and quail offers...