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Speckled Trout

Featured articles, content and commentary about speckled trout in Texas

The second day of a two-day excursion to Matagorda Bay was going swimmingly for John Crenshaw and some of his friends while fishing with guide Mark Talasek during a previous muggy August day — the kind that makes you wonder what could go wrong. The angling party spent the first...
Redfish may fight harder. Flounder may taste better. And black drum may be every man’s fish. However, for inshore saltwater fishing die-hards and even the average weekend angler, the speckled trout in Texas is hands down the game fish of choice along the coast year-round. Whether it’s flipping free-lined live shrimp in the...
When discussing great saltwater fishing spots, some of the best locales in Texas are literally between a rock and a hard place. Our state has an amazing array of manmade fishing haunts, but none compare to the jetty systems that dot the Gulf coast, providing some of the finest angling...
The Texas coastline stretches from the Louisiana border to the Mexican border and harbors game fish of all shapes and sizes -- and tastes. With that in mind, here’s a summer saltwater fishing guide, featuring more than a few reasons why it’s worth making the trip south or east, at...
The Texas speckled trout fishery is in for historic changes due to lingering effects of the severe winter storm in February 2021 that killed millions of different fish overall. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission in late January adopted proposals reducing the slot limit and daily bag from the Matagorda...
Texas speckled trout fishing has undergone numerous regulations changes during the past decade, notably the move to enact a five-fish limit along the entire coast, in an order to promote conservation of what's our most sought-after saltwater species. As a result of February's severe freeze across the Lone Star State...
February's brutally cold weather conditions across the Lone Star State were detrimental for many notable reasons, including for our outstanding saltwater fishery that stretches from the Mexican border to the Louisiana border. For the past few weeks, Texas Parks and Wildlife biologists assessed fish kills across multiple bay systems on...
Fall and winter provide some of the liveliest angling opportunities for anglers willing to spend a day at the beach for Texas saltwater fishing pursuits. From Sabine Pass to South Padre Island, the Texas coast spans hundreds of miles and features myriad surf fishing options. Here’s a look at what’s biting...
“Want to see pictures of my deer?” That phrase invariably invokes a variety of responses from the average hunter, but for me it always sends icy chills up my spine. I’ve seen hundreds, more likely thousands, of photos snapped from a range of devices provided by readers, friends and others in...
Most Texas outdoorsmen and women dream of big whitetail bucks this time of year, but it’s time to give thanks for winter inshore saltwater angling opportunities and take part in what could be some of the best fishing of your life. Texas’ Gulf Coast stretches from a state border with...