
Information, updates and articles about saltwater fishing in Texas

The red snapper debate has Texas and other Gulf states seeing red over what they view as federal intrusion on a recreational fishery that adds millions of dollars to local economies. And the argument has gotten legal. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries...
When discussing great saltwater fishing spots, some of the best locales in Texas are literally between a rock and a hard place. Our state has an amazing array of manmade fishing haunts, but none compare to the jetty systems that dot the Gulf coast, providing some of the finest angling...
It’s the first rule in fishing: fish where the fish are. However, sometimes despite our best efforts, the fish simply aren’t around. In those instances, we as anglers must stack the deck in our favor, and the easiest way to do that is to get our hands a little dirty. Chumming...
The second day of a two-day excursion to Matagorda Bay was going swimmingly for John Crenshaw and some of his friends while fishing with guide Mark Talasek during a previous muggy August day — the kind that makes you wonder what could go wrong. The angling party spent the first...
Texas speckled trout anglers -- and there are a lot of them -- will have their opportunity to discuss potential bag limit regulation changes at upcoming public meetings in January along the coast. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Coastal Fisheries Division will host seven scoping meetings from Jan. 7-9...
ARANSAS BAY -- The top fishfinders in the world don't come with built-in GPS. Nor do they offer crystal-clear displays or boatloads of programmable options. In this dog-eat-dog ecosystem, one of the best ways to entice scaly delight to the end of your line is to follow the food chain,...
The premier inshore sport fishing target in Texas is a prehistoric monster. It’s not fit to bring home for supper. It’s ornery and downright stubborn for anglers. And, most of all, it’s simply hard to locate. Meet Megalops atlanticus, the “silver king.” Big tarpon are distinctive to say the least. Cloaked in...
Texas summer fishing is hard to beat, no matter where you're angling, and if you can bring the family along when the kids are out of school, it makes the trip that much better. I hope fishing is on the schedule, no matter where you’re hoping to pass a few...
As the old saying goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat," and when it comes to anglers, all you have to do is replace the last word with whatever you may have caught that day. Filleting is the accepted practice for meat removal on almost every game...
Texas’ borders contain more than 150 public freshwater lakes and its Gulf coastline stretches more than 400 miles between a state border with Louisiana and an international one with Mexico. That’s a lot of country that holds plenty of good fishing destinations, no matter your budget or experience level. With...