Red Snapper

Information, updates and articles about red snapper fishing in Texas and the Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council has scheduled scoping workshops in Gulf states to get public input on a proposed amendment that examines a days-at-sea pilot program for the red snapper for-hire fishery. The council is touting the workshops as the best opportunity for stakeholders to make suggestions or raise...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has received a briefing from staff on the state’s red snapper fishing as well as recent action by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council that is likely to shorten this year’s recreational fishing season in federal waters. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission will have a special meeting Feb. 26 in Austin to discuss recent events and options involving the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery. On Feb. 8, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council voted to recommend an emergency rule that could shorten the recreational red...
Texas is blessed with a sweeping coastline that stretches from a state border to an international one, and when you factor in the expansive Gulf of Mexico, there is no shortage of a variety of saltwater fishing terrain. However, there are few places where anglers are able to simply go...
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council voted Feb. 8 to recommend an emergency rule that could shorten the recreational red snapper fishing season in federal waters off the Texas coast to as little as 11 days from the planned 27-day season. The recommendation passed by a narrow majority, over strong opposition...