A small, new survey from Southwick Associates shows the influencing factors that lead to purchases by hunters and anglers.
For hunters, “personal experience” was the highest factor at 73.3 percent, with 72.1 percent of anglers agreeing. Also high on the list for hunters at 55.7 percent was “brand loyalty” with 55.8 percent of anglers favoring “brand loyalty” as well, according to a news release.
Other highly influential factors for anglers included recommendations by “another experienced angler” at 48.4 percent, “friends recommendations” at 39.9 percent and “magazine advertisement or feature article” at 19.4 percent.
Hunters were influenced highly by “another experienced hunter” at 45.5 percent, “friends recommendations” at 44.8 percent, and “Internet articles” at 21.5 percent.
Hunters also placed high priority on “store sales people” and “expo or outdoors shows” at 11 percent and 12.3 percen,t respectively. Anglers also favored these two influences at 12.7 percent and 12.9 percent each.
“Celebrities” influencing anglers and hunters were far less of a factor at only 0.3 percent for anglers and 0.7 percent for hunters. Trending a bit higher were “professional endorsements” at 9.5 percent for anglers and 6.8 percent for hunters.
The data was built on 2,121 anglers responding and 4,062 hunters respectively, according to the release.
Southwick also designs and conducts surveys such as HunterSurvey.com, ShooterSurvey.com, and AnglerSurvey.com.