Will Leschper
Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
The debate about the top Texas fishing holes could fill hours of discussion around the coffee shop, but there’s one thing everyone can agree on: It’s tough to go wrong with almost any of these fantastic bodies of water in prime months.
Our state waters harbor some of the best...
Ducks Unlimited reaches more than 13 million acres of North American habitat conserved
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Ducks Unlimited recently announced that it has reached a conservation milestone with more than 13 million acres of habitat conserved in North America.
"Coming on the heels of DU's 75th anniversary year, this milestone is a fitting tribute to the hard work of each and every member, volunteer and staff...
Texas saltwater fishing regulations feature nuances depending on time, place, species
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Texas is blessed with a sweeping coastline that stretches from a state border to an international one, and when you factor in the expansive Gulf of Mexico, there is no shortage of a variety of saltwater fishing terrain.
However, there are few places where anglers are able to simply go...
It’s Christmas time again, but with a bass fishing twist.
The anticipation of countless little boys and girls at heart soon will come to fruition as they look under their favorite tree for a shiny present, faithfully hoping this is the year they get what they want. And while Santa...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is considering an experimental landowner controlled harvest pronghorn buck season.
Wildlife officials also are proposing an extension of mule deer season under Managed Lands Deer Permits as part of recommended changes to the 2013-14 Statewide Hunting Proclamation, according to a news release.
TPWD staff recommended...
Nearly 300 tissue samples were collected from hunter harvested mule deer from the Trans Pecos ecoregion of far West Texas during the 2012-13 season for Chronic Wasting Disease testing.
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory and National Veterinary Services Laboratories confirmed CWD in four of those samples, according to a...
A juvenile whooping crane was accidentally shot and killed in January near St. Joseph’s Island in Aransas County, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement officials said.
A fresh water duck hunter out on his first coastal duck hunt Jan. 12 saw a bird he believed was a sandhill crane...
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council voted Feb. 8 to recommend an emergency rule that could shorten the recreational red snapper fishing season in federal waters off the Texas coast to as little as 11 days from the planned 27-day season.
The recommendation passed by a narrow majority, over strong opposition...
On the final day of duck season, Baffin Bay hunting is measured in hours and minutes.
And the clock is ticking.
A looming full moon peeking ominously through faint bands of wispy clouds greets the pair of droning bay boats flanked by the unmistakable mist of salty spray that always hovers...