Will Leschper
Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
Texas speckled trout anglers -- and there are a lot of them -- will have their opportunity to discuss potential bag limit regulation changes at upcoming public meetings in January along the coast.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Coastal Fisheries Division will host seven scoping meetings from Jan. 7-9...
There's no doubt there always will be rotten apples out there, but for the most part, the more than 1 million people who buy hunting licenses in Texas each year are law-abiding citizens.
They’re people who go out of their way to be polite, courteous and open should they be...
Note: This article was posted four months before the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council voted to enact an emergency, allowing only an 11-day summer snapper season. Click here for more on red snapper season.
The red snapper, among the most sought fish in the Gulf of Mexico by both...
As a season for one deer species wrapped up last weekend in the Texas Panhandle and Rolling Plains, another continues, though success certainly hasn’t come easy for many hunters.
The mule deer season in area counties that ran through three full weekends ended Sunday, while the whitetail season across most...
A draft plan proposes $627 million in early restoration projects across Gulf states in connection with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including five Texas projects to compensate for lost recreational use of natural resources.
The Texas projects in the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees plan total about $18.4 million, according...
New rules to combat the spread of invasive zebra mussels take effect Dec. 10, requiring that all boats operating on public water in 17 northeast counties be drained after use.
Under the regulations, persons leaving or approaching public water in the affected counties are required to drain all water from their...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department  has signed temporary agreements with four Guadalupe River property owners to expand public access to the trout fishery downstream of Canyon Lake.
Public fishing access will be available at Mountain Breeze Campground, Rio Guadalupe Resort (formerly Rio Raft and Resort), and Whitewater Sports beginning...
The Dallas Safari Club said it will go ahead with the auction a black rhino hunting permit on behalf of Namibia, despite death threats against members of the organizations.
The club expects the permit to sell for at least $250,000 and perhaps fetch $1 million, according to a news release....
Pheasant hunting is a rite of passage for most hunters in the Rolling Plains and Panhandle of Texas, which feature the only huntable population in the state for these ornate birds.
However, even if you don’t call those places home, it’s still worth the trip to experience one of the...
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s rainbow trout stocking program began last month and will continue into March for lakes in the Neighborhood Fishin’ program.
Channel catfish are stocked from April through October, and rainbow trout are stocked in winter months, which brings fishing much closer to the masses.
“The reason for...