Home Authors Posts by Will Leschper

Will Leschper

Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Commission on Thursday in Austin approved multiple changes to the rainbow and brown trout fishery along a section of the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake. The panel voted to establish a 12- to 18-inch slot length limit with a five-fish daily bag, with only...
The Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission on Thursday in Austin voted to adopt rules extending a five-fish daily bag limit for speckled trout in effect in the Lower Laguna Madre up the coast through the Highway 457 bridge near Sargent with a five-year sunset date. The commission modified an original...
The Migratory Bird Conservation Commission approved $61.3 million in funding to protect, restore and enhance more than 205,000 acres of wetlands and associated uplands in the United States, Canada and Mexico, including at three Texas national wildlife refuges. The commission approved $54.7 million in grants through the North American Wetlands...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will disburse $1.1 billion in excise tax revenues paid by sportsmen and sportswomen to state fish and wildlife agencies to fund fish and wildlife conservation and recreation projects, including more than $51 million in Texas. The Service apportions the funds to all states through...
Texas has a long and documented history of hunting and fishing excellence. However, sometimes it helps to stack the odds in our favor, something that officials from Texas Parks & Wildlife and other agencies and organizations have done for decades. And while those efforts mostly have been aimed squarely at...
The ZipVac Portable Food Storage System is marketed to outdoorsmen and women but the potential uses reach far beyond hunting and fishing boundaries. The system is composed of a handheld, portable rechargeable electric vacuum pump that plugs into any 110-volt outlet, a handheld manual pump and reusable bags that...
Thirty counties in North and Central Texas on Sunday were added to regulations requiring that  boats operating on public water be drained after use in the state’s continuing effort to combat the spread of invasive zebra mussels Under the regulations, persons leaving or approaching public water in the affected counties...
The amorphous, fibrous dough ball hung on the long-shanked hook like a diabolical Christmas tree ornament. After a quick once-over, it sailed on a looping arc into the cloudy water of the Pecan Bayou in Brownwood and hit with a resonant splash. The thick mass may have looked like...
The Guadalupe bass, the state fish of Texas, doesn't grow as large as its cousins, but one Austin angler recently landed one that is set to be a record for the species. The 3.71-pound fish caught from the Colorado River below Austin by angler Bryan Townsend appears to qualify as...
It’s the million-dollar, age-old fishing question: “What are they biting on?” The great answer for bass anglers across Texas: “Whatever you’ve got on the end of your line.” The spring spawn, when large females move into the shallows to spawn and smaller males stand vigilant over the nest, is prime time...