Home Authors Posts by Will Leschper

Will Leschper

Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
A 24-year-old Baytown man was found guilty of manslaughter and aggravated assault in connection with an alcohol-related boating accident on Memorial Day weekend two years ago. The Chambers County boating crash, which occurred May 27, 2012, in a bayou on Lost Lake, killed Baytown resident Tyler Enderli, 24, and resulted...
The lesser prairie-chicken is a relatively small and ornate bird, but its impact on conservation could be huge and lasting in Texas and neighboring states. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently listed the species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and related efforts to grow the population have...
Gov. Rick Scott last week sent a letter to Secretary Penny Pritzker of the U.S. Department of Commerce, outlining his disappointment in the lack of flexibility the federal system allows for the management of the red snapper season and other stock fish. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council earlier...
From Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports Falling for the Decoy: Two San Augustine County game wardens and a Forest Service ranger were using a decoy deer to deter night hunting, when a small car passed their location a couple of times, its occupants were observing the decoy....
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission is seeking public comment on a proposal requiring that all boats operating on public freshwater be drained after use to help combat the spread of zebra mussels. Under water draining regulations in effect in 47 counties in North and Central Texas, boaters and anglers...
Recreational red snapper fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is going to be short-lived in 2014, but just how long Texas anglers will actually have to pursue the noted sport fish in federal waters remains up in the air. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management in a stunning move Thursday approved...
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council on Thursday voted to enact an emergency rule gutting the recreational red snapper season and allowing only an 11-day summer framework. The daily bag limit of two fish per person and minimum size requirement of 16 inches are unchanged. The council in December set...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department hasn't found new positive evidence of chronic wasting disease in far West Texas, the agency has reported. Nearly 300 tissue samples were collected from hunter harvested deer and elk from the Trans-Pecos region during the 2013-14 season to test for CWD, and during the...
A report released Wednesday by the National Shooting Sports Foundation highlights the economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry in the United States, showing an increase from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $37.7 billion in 2013. The report also details the number of full-time equivalent jobs, which rose from...
A joint venture formed by affiliates of three of the world's largest oil and gas companies is helping conservation efforts in Texas. Golden Pass LNG, which recently pledged $130,000 in support of Ducks Unlimited's conservation programs along the Texas coast, added to the outreach by providing more than 3.2 million...