Home Authors Posts by Will Leschper

Will Leschper

Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
Texas deer hunting is known across the country for both quantity and quality. And while many folks typically associate the Lone Star State as being a land primarily under high fence, there are huge bucks taken each year on low-fence lands. Many of those bucks are taken on smaller tracts...
Far West Texas is best described as being a whole other country. The far-flung, rough-as-a-cob terrain made famous in the Oscar-winning “No Country For Old Men” is unforgiving to say the least. However, if you’re looking for the hunt of a lifetime -- one that certainly would include scenic views unlike...
The deer hunting forecast in Texas is always good. Yes, there are lingering detrimental impacts across much of Southeast Texas in the months after Hurricane Harvey inundated the area with terrifying flooding. However, even in what the whitetail prognosticators term as “down” or “average” years, we’ve still got the largest population...
The thrill of dove hunting isn’t about shooting. Seems silly, right? Expense, time and energy are shelled out to chase after a quarter-pound bird, but the true aim isn’t to harvest as many as possible as quickly as possible. It seems like a paradox in this day and age when hours are...
Hitting a baseball is like sighting in a firearm for Texas deer hunters preparing to head afield in search of whitetails. When you first chew on it, that statement may sound puzzling. But upon closer inspection, both pursuits can be broken down into three simple steps: Load, aim and shoot. When...
Texas’ Wildlife Management Areas are as distinct and varied as the different regions of the state where they are located. This network of public land is managed by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, which uses the hundreds of thousands of combined acres for a number of purposes. Mostly, the...
The dog days of summer are here, which means there’s no better time to go in search of cats. The catfish remains a summertime staple across Texas, ranking only behind the largemouth bass in terms of anglers’ preference. And for good reason – flatheads, channel cats and blue cats can...
Fishing during the middle of the day isn’t just tough — it’s downright dangerous. It doesn’t take much to overheat and take all the fun right out of the pastime. However, if you’re looking to find the magic hour, any success you have clearly will be both audible and visible. Concentrating early...
Texas is home to millions of acres of excellent wildlife habitat, providing exceptional hunting from the Red River to the Rio Grande. The rub for many hunters, however, is the sheer fact that the majority of that land is inaccessible, resting squarely in private hands and open only to...
The Lone Star State is blessed with an abundance of hunting opportunities for both small game and big game, and with a little help from Mother Nature, the overall hunting forecast has shaped up to be good for most Texas wildlife in 2017-18. Here is The Texas Outdoor Digest's annual...