Will Leschper
Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
The spring Rio Grande turkey season is almost underway once again across South Texas, and there will be no shortage of birds as our state has the highest population in the country.
However, any seasoned turkey hunter will tell you that despite your best scouting and calling efforts sometimes it...
The Texas spring turkey hunting outlook is always based on Mother Nature's schedule and how well the ground-nesting species fared during the previous fall and winter. In terms of the hunting forecast for spring seasons running from March to May in 2024, things are looking on par with other...
Baffin Bay is unlike any other ecosystem in Texas.
The hypersaline bay in what once was considered the Wild Horse Desert on maps is famous for its “rocks” -- ancient living structures constructed over thousands of years by tiny tube-building serpulid worms.
The bay system also is notable for the prime...
Texas’ borders contain more than 150 public freshwater lakes and its Gulf coastline stretches more than 400 miles between a state border with Louisiana and an international one with Mexico. That’s a lot of country that holds plenty of good fishing destinations, no matter your budget or experience level.
Redfish may fight harder.
Flounder may taste better.
And black drum may be every man’s fish.
However, for inshore saltwater fishing die-hards and even the average weekend angler, the speckled trout in Texas is hands down the game fish of choice along the coast year-round.
Whether it’s flipping free-lined live shrimp in the...
Howdy, fellow Texans, outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen. My name is Will Leschper and I'd like to introduce you to the new Texas Outdoor Digest.
I'm a native Texan, and, no offense to anyone out there not from the Lone Star State, but I just have to say it: Texas is awesome....
The dusty breeze tickled the tops of spindly mesquites and thick bunch grass as I descended the steps of the tower stand.
At the bottom, the icy chill of the late November morning hit me square in the face as binoculars were raised for what seemed like the 100th time.
Deer hunting all day is no easy task, something I’ve learned from personal experience.
Nothing is more frustrating than sitting in your favorite stand -- or blind, depending on your preference -- for hours on end when the critters aren’t moving and bad weather decides to set in, making things...
There’s no place like deer camp.
It’s hallowed ground, whether the accommodations include meager trappings and tent stakes or a full-service kitchen and prime cuts of steak.
I’ve been in my share of them, each holding a sentimental quality for a variety of reasons, and not simply because of the proximity...
Deer hunting in Texas is more than just a barrage of camouflage.
For many folks -- hundreds of thousands of us here in the Lone Star State alone -- deer hunting is life, and from Amarillo to Brownsville north to south and Texarkana to El Paso east to west, it’s...