Home Authors Posts by Will Leschper

Will Leschper

Will Leschper is founder of The Texas Outdoor Digest. His work has been recognized by Texas state and national outdoor writer organizations with multiple first-place Excellence In Craft finishes. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, in addition to writing for plenty of now-defunct publications.
Back in the spring of 2006, Billy Greeson had a monster day on the water while bass fishing. The Amarillo firefighter caught a 15-pound largemouth bass on a black and blue jig on the final day of March, setting the Lake Alan Henry record, which still stands to this day....
Hunting frameworks for a number of Texas species ended recently -- adding to the number of seasons we’ll have to wait until next fall to again enjoy. That means fishing is likely your new aim. However, boating maintenance should be the first thing you think about before pursuing lunker largemouths...
Shhh ... don't let the cat out of the bag. The best-kept secret in the early 1990s in Brownwood surprisingly had nothing to do with high school football, the next man to follow in the legendary footsteps of Gordon Wood or the juicy details of a Lions-Yellow Jackets rivalry that...
Few things in this world compare with a great hunting lease, but nothing compares with the sucker punch that comes with losing one, especially when you least expect it. Let’s face it – the going rate for prime hunting real estate in Texas is just that –  with prices continuing...
The apex of the spring bass fishing season is right around the corner and summer will be here before we know it. That means there will be plenty of opportunities to get close to plenty of other angling targets, including inshore and offshore saltwater species such as redfish, trout...
He slowly slid the truck door back in place, performed the ritual gear check adopted as habit and started down a rut in the meandering ranch road. The afternoon glow was a welcome departure from the previous two days when frigid north winds and light mist made the last week...
The average man always knows where he's going. He doesn't need a map, compass or directions from the old-timer at the gas station. Then again, the average man might wander around, taking time to compose where he is, where he has been and where he's going. It's a process, really. Sometimes...
The going rate for prime hunting real estate in Texas is just that – with prices continuing to rise for a variety of reasons and no real end in sight as to just how high they might escalate. With that in mind, few things in this world compare with a...
The extended procession sprinkled with tinges of orange guardedly steps among crop stubble as a pair of wiggling pups bashfully scuttle along terrain flocked with patches of white. In an instant, what appears to be a spacious grin on one pointer’s face is replaced by a reserved stare as the...
Black drum aren't a sexy saltwater species in Texas, playing second and even third fiddle to speckled trout, redfish and flounder. However, you won't find a fish more fit for the dinner table, and even in the dead of winter these fish pack a punch on conventional tackle. These cousins of...